Sunday, May 25, 2008

Adriano Goldschmied...for OC's Jean Junkies!!

AG Jeans is bringing OC to its knees, as the latest boutique in South Coast Plaza is hosting its well anticipated opening on Thursday, May, 29th from 6-9 pm.  If you haven't had the opportunity to slip into jeans by Adriano Goldschmied, they are sort of like a sexy hybrid combining the lush texture of the late Paper Denim, the tenacity of the Levis 501, the sexy euro trash aesthetic of Miss Sixty, and the price point of Diesels.  C'est si Chaud!! (It's so hot!!)  And the theme of the party is, "Go Drunk, or Go Home!"  Drinks?  Yessss! 


Mama Mia said...

happy birthday man!

lovecokate said...

Happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur so sexy